Judge denies OBOT’s “speculative” lost profits claim

The obverse ("heads" side) of the U.S. one cent coin. This image was obtained from Wikimedia Commons; its source is a United States Mint photo (public domain).
Judge Wise awards fraction of a penny on Tagami's imaginary "losses" Judge Noël Wise issued a "(Proposed) Statement of Decision re: Damages" in OBOT v Oakland today, December 11, 2023. In it, she "finds that OBOT’s claim for lost profits is speculative and not reasonably certain." As reported earlier, in seeking damages, "Tagami is seeking to choose between two alternative remedies that he has proposed: (1) $19.1 million in damages and reinstatement of his lease with 2½ years to commence construction ; or, (2) $159.6 million in damages to walk away from the ...

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Coal Trial Ends; Decision Expected By Xmas Weekend

The trial of Phil Tagami’s state court breach of contract case against the City of Oakland came to a close on the first day of December, four and a half months after it began. It's now up to Judge Noël Wise to decide what remedy Tagami has won.

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High Stakes as Remedy Phase of Coal Trial Begins

Will developer Phil Tagami be awarded an imagined $150 million in past damages and future profits he claims  he has lost or been prevented from gaining as a result of the City’s alleged efforts to block construction of a coal export terminal in West Oakland? Will Tagami be granted an extension of time to break ground on the terminal? Will he get an opportunity to choose between a massive amount of money or an opportunity to go ahead with the controversial project, in partnership with a Los Angeles hedge fund operator? Or will Tagami's victory in his lawsuit against the ...

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Back in the Tunnel Again: State Court Rules Against City

An image that is wholly black
This afternoon, Judge Noël Wise published her “(Proposed) Statement of Decision” in the OBOT v Oakland trial that began on July 10, 2023.

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Courtroom Diary: NCIO Reports on OBOT v City of Oakland Trial

Follow NCIO's coverage of the trial here.

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Coal Trial Ends: Light at the End of the Tunnel?

Testimony Ends. Judge’s Decision on Who Broke the Lease Expected in October.

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West Oakland rally reiterates community opposition to coal terminal

Rev. Ken Chambers addressing West Oakland Community Rally, 2023-07-22
A Community Rally organized by Rev. Ken Chambers of the Interfaith Council of Alameda County was held on Saturday July 22, in the parking lot of the West Side Missionary Baptist Church where Rev. Chambers is pastor. Residents, community organizers, and many stalwarts of the long fight to keep coal out of Oakland turned out for a free lunch, music, and new banners created by the incomparable David Solnit. Three current Oakland City Council members spoke -- Carroll Fife, Janani Ramachandran, and Dan Kalb -- but were careful not to address the question of coal due to the ...

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Trial Begins in Oakland Coal Case

Contract Law image (ballpoint pen atop a portion of a contract), from Wikimedia Commons; public domain. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:ContractLaw.jpg
After four and a half years of preliminary skirmishes, lawyers today delivered opening statements in developer Phil Tagami’s legal battle to avoid eviction from the West Gateway, a 19-acre piece of West Oakland waterfront owned by the City of Oakland. Phil Tagami and associates plotted to build and operate an export terminal that would bring coal by rail from Utah for shipment overseas.  The trial will hinge on the question of who broke the lease Tagami signed with the City in February 2016.  The City of Oakland terminated Tagami’s lease in November 2018 after ...

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Pretrial Hearing: scheduling and pretrial issues

First page of OBOT/OGRE state lawsuit complaint, filed in December 2018
All signs are that the trial in OBOT/OGRE v City of Oakland will begin on Monday morning, July 10, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. in Department 514, Hayward Hall of Justice, in Hayward, CA. A pre-trial hearing on the afternoon of July 6 dealt with scheduling and key pretrial issues on which the parties could not agree going into trial. The public is welcome to attend the trial in Judge Noel Wise’s courtroom, but the court announced that there would be no audio stream (i.e., there will be no remote listening option). Most importantly, Judge Wise adopted the City’s proposal to ...

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No Jury Trial in Oakland Coal Dispute: Judge Wise Will Decide

Hall of Justice, Hayward, CA. By Mercurywoodrose - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=16834695
At a pre-trial conference on June 28, 2023, Alameda County Superior Court Judge Noël Wise approved an agreement between would-be coal terminal developers and the City of Oakland to waive their respective rights to a jury trial in the ongoing battle over the City’s termination of the developers’ lease in 2018. At a non-jury or “bench” trial, the judge hears the evidence and decides all questions of law and fact. If all goes smoothly, the parties will make their opening statements on the morning of July 10th in Judge Wise’s Hayward, California courtroom. The ...

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