3 results for month: 05/2018

NCIO Comments on Judge’s Decision in Favor of Coal Terminal

A comment on Judge Chhabria’s decision The long wait is over and, in the end, none of the theatrics staged by the high-priced lawyers for developer Phil Tagami and the Bowie coal company mattered at all. These lawyers claimed that the City had already made up its mind to ban coal before doing any analysis of the facts. They claimed that the City Council members didn’t have time to read the three reports that provided evidentiary support for the City’s decision. None of that mattered. All Judge Chhabria looked at was whether the extensive evidence collected and entered into the record before the Oakland City Council's first vote in ...

Judge Rules in Favor of Tagami; Community Groups Vow to Fight On

Judge Vince Chhabria ruled this morning against the City of Oakland in the lawsuit brought by coal developer Phil Tagami. Below you will find the press release NCIO and APEN (Asian Pacific Environmental Network) issued yesterday afternoon. No Coal in Oakland will be meeting with attorneys, public health experts, and political leaders to develop the next stage of our ongoing commitment to assure that a coal terminal is never constructed in West Oakland. We are exploring every available option. As our strategy develops, watch for more information on our website and in future e-mails. We plan to keep the community fully engaged and informed. It is ...

Alicia Garza declines award linked to coal developer Tagami

Oakland activist and community leader Alicia Garza, cofounder of the Black Lives Matter movement, has announced that she will decline to accept an Innovator Award that was to be presented this week by coal developer Phil Tagami for the East Bay Innovation Academy. Garza declined the award after members of Youth Vs Apocalypse drew her attention to the central role Tagami is playing in the attempt to ship coal through Oakland, threatening the lives and health of our community and degrading our environment. Youth Vs. Apocalypse is a community of Oakland activist youth who oppose Tagami’s lawsuit, which aims to overturn the unanimous July 2016 vote ...