2 results for month: 04/2024

New study: Oakland coal terminal would bring asthma, heart disease, hospitalization, and death

A new study describing health impacts of PM2.5 from coal trains in the San Francisco Bay Area – that is, small particulate matter from coal dust routinely spilled from trains transporting coal – was posted on April 18, 2024 in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Research. As summarized in a press release from UC Davis, where lead author Dr. Bart Ostro is an epidemiologist with the Air Quality Research Center, “Trains carrying loads of coal bring with them higher rates of asthma, heart disease, hospitalization and death for residents living nearest the rail lines.” A copy of the study, Health impact assessment of PM2.5 from uncovered ...

Courtroom Battle Unfolds Over Developer’s Claim for Attorneys’ Fees and Costs

On April 3, Judge Noël Wise will hear arguments over developer Phil Tagami’s claim for $12.8 million of attorneys’ fees and costs based on partial victory in his breach of contract lawsuit against the City of Oakland.