Tagami Police Commission interview: join NCIO Tuesday at 7pm

Coal promoter and developer Phil Tagami is currently a candidate for a position on Oakland’s Police Commission. No Coal in Oakland is horrified at the prospect that this man—who proposes to bring toxic coal into Oakland and has sued the City to overthrow its popular ban on coal—could be chosen to represent residents on a city commission that will provide civilian oversight of the Police Department by reviewing and proposing changes to Department policies and procedures, requiring the Mayor to appoint any new Chief of Police from a list of candidates provided by the Commission, and having the authority to terminate the Chief of Police for cause.

Phil Tagami’s interview for a seat on the civilian Oakland Police Commission will be on Tuesday, August 8 at 7:00 pm at Oakland City Hall. We need you to attend. The selection panel needs to know that he is not fit to serve on the Police Commission.

Although cardboard signs will probably not be allowed in the room, you can bring a piece of paper with a message on it that you hold up at relevant moments. “Don’t pick Tagami.” “Tagami can’t be trusted.” “Tagami wants to pollute West Oakland.” “Tagami is suing Oakland.” “Tagami not fit to serve.” Be creative!

There is an opportunity to speak at the interview, but not to engage in dialogue with the panel. Speaker’s cards will be available at the meeting. We should be strategic about this so the panel doesn’t get annoyed at redundant speakers. It would be best to have people speak who can represent neighborhoods, congregations, unions, and other organizations. Speakers can invite the audience to stand to express solidarity with them, rather than having repetitive presentations.

More information is available at http://www2.oaklandnet.com/oakca1/groups/cityadministrator/documents/agenda/oak065761.pdf. Tagami’s application is on pages 129-134. Background information is also at https://nocoalinoakland.info/lets-keep-coal-promoter-tagami-off-the-oakland-police-commission/