Leading Candidates in Oakland Election Say No to Coal

In a strong warning to the coal industry, leading candidates for the Oakland mayoralty and District 2 council seat have declared their resolute opposition to construction of a coal export terminal on the West Oakland waterfront. Balloting in the April 15 election is about to get underway as mail-in ballots arrive in household mailboxes.

No Coal in Oakland reached out to the candidates in both contests and asked them to take a pledge not to accept money from coal interests and to oppose coal if elected. We also welcomed statements. 

We are happy to report that the results of our outreach were encouraging. 

More than half of the candidates in Oakland’s upcoming special election have stated their opposition to a coal terminal.  Five of the ten candidates for mayor and three of the six candidates for the District 2 Council seat have signed a pledge to accept no money from coal interests in their campaign and to oppose coal if elected, while several others responded to a Green Party questionnaire by stating their opposition to coal.  Some candidates submitted additional statements, which we have included below.

Although No Coal in Oakland does not endorse candidates, we hope the community will consider the information we’ve gathered in deciding who can best represent us in City Hall.

Pledge Signers


  • Tyrone Jordan
  • Barbara Lee
  • Suz Robinson
  • Loren Taylor
  • Renia Janeen Webb

District 2

  • Kara Murray-Badal
  • Paula Thomas
  • Charlene Wang


Additional opposition to coal from Green Party Questionnaire

District 2


The Pledge

Do you pledge not to accept any support, financial or otherwise, to your campaign from the coal industry, Oakland developer Phil Tagami, hedge-fund owner and West Gateway sub-lessee Jon Brooks, or any of their agents, until a legally binding agreement is reached that will fully preclude storage and handling of coal at Oakland’s West Gateway?

If elected, will you support and pursue every feasible strategy to prevent construction or operation of a coal export terminal in Oakland?


Additional Comments by Mayoral Candidates Opposing Coal

Tyrone Jordan

I have always been against coal in Oakland. Additionally, I object to Oakland becoming an environmental dumping ground, for those who are only interested in money- not caring about the health impact of Oaklanders, nor the environment.

As mayor, I will use every possible means to prevent the construction or operation of a coal export terminal in Oakland.

I will not accept a dime from the above until a binding agreement excluding coal is reached and signed. My first priority as mayor is to protect the health and welfare of Oaklanders.

Yes. I have always expressed my strong opposition to bringing a coal transfer station to Oakland. I have tweeted this on a regular basis, and when I was a candidate for Mayor of Oakland, I expressed my strong opposition. Coal will adversely impact our environment and the health and welfare of Oaklanders. The impact of coal and other forms of fossil fuels has been determined to cause short- and long-term negative health problems. This is especially true in those communities of color, and low-income communities. Those who wish to bring coal to Oakland, are not the ones who will have to inhale coal dust/residue, nor will their children. WE will have to bear the brunt of this proposal. The damage to our ecosystem would be equally alarming. Those who proposed and advocating bringing coal to Oakland, have been doing it under the guise of ” job creation.’ This is a farce. We have the technology and means to create healthy green jobs. It’s been done. To sacrifice our environment and the physical and mental well-being (heavily polluted air, have been determined to cause cognitive issues, especially with children). If I am elected Mayor of Oakland, I will use very tool available to me, to prevent coal from coming to our great city.


Barbara Lee

I oppose coal exports through Oakland and will support every feasible strategy to prevent the construction or operation of a coal terminal.

I have twice signed the “No Fossil Fuel Money” pledge and remain committed to Oakland’s transition to clean energy.

I have long opposed coal exports in Oakland and have worked to protect our communities from environmental hazards that disproportionately impact low-income residents and communities of color. In Congress, I fought for federal funding to support clean energy initiatives, environmental justice programs, and protections against environmental racism. I strongly support Oakland’s ban on coal and will continue to fight against any attempts to bring coal shipments through our city. Instead of harmful fossil fuel projects, we should be investing in clean energy infrastructure, creating good union jobs in renewable industries, and protecting public health. As Mayor, I will work alongside community organizations, environmental advocates, and labor to ensure Oakland remains coal-free and moves towards a healthier, more sustainable future.


Kanitha Matoury

Yes. I oppose the construction and operation of a coal export terminal in Oakland and will pursue every feasible strategy to prevent it. Oakland should not be a hub for toxic pollution that threatens public health, our environment, and our future. Coal exports are a step backward at a time when we should be investing in cleaner industries and sustainable economic development. A coal terminal would expose Oakland residents—especially in West Oakland and surrounding communities—to increased air pollution, exacerbating asthma and other respiratory illnesses. These neighborhoods have already suffered disproportionately from industrial pollution due to their proximity to the Port of Oakland and major transportation corridors. Expanding coal exports here would be an environmental injustice that puts corporate profits over the well-being of our residents.

Additionally, the global market for coal is shrinking, making this a short-sighted economic plan that does not provide stable, long-term jobs for Oaklanders. Instead of pursuing outdated and harmful industries, we should be focusing on clean energy, sustainable infrastructure, and green jobs that create real economic opportunities without endangering public health. As a City Councilmember, I will fight to ensure the ban on coal exports in Oakland remains intact and is enforced. I will support legal, regulatory, and legislative efforts to prevent coal interests from pushing their agenda in our city. Oakland’s future should be built on cleaner industries, healthier communities, and long-term economic growth that benefits everyone—not polluting corporations looking to exploit our port.

 Yes, I fully agree. I will not accept any support, financial or otherwise, from the coal industry, Phil Tagami, Jon Brooks, or any of their agents until a legally binding agreement is in place that permanently prohibits the shipment of coal through Oakland’s West Gateway. Oakland’s residents should not be subjected to the environmental and health risks associated with coal exports, and I am committed to ensuring our city prioritizes clean air, public health, and sustainable economic development over corporate interests that seek to profit at the community’s expense.


Suz Robinson

 I strongly oppose any development that would endanger our environment and public health, and I will advocate for policies that protect our city from this type of pollution.


Charlene Wang

I’m strongly opposed to the coal terminal. While the court has overruled attempts to block the coal terminal, I’d work with activists to find other avenues to keep coal out of Oakland. We can still enforce labor and workplace health standards on coal exports. As long as coal is in Oakland, coal shippers and developers must take every precaution to limit health impacts to workers and the community.

 I’ve signed the no coal pledge and will not accept support from the people pushing coal on Oakland.

 As an EPA Advisor for Civil Rights and Environmental Justice, I know how devastating a coal terminal would be for our air, health, and most vulnerable communities. With the federal government stepping back, Oakland needs leaders who will step up. I’ll fight to bring green  manufacturing jobs, not dirty coal, to our waterfront.


Renia Webb

 I was extremely vocal several years ago against the transport & storage of Coal in Oakland. It’s a matter of life & death to all those across Oakland especially those in the flats along the train tracks & in West Oakland near the site that would process coal 


Statements by Other Mayoral Candidates 

President Christina Grappo

 Yes. The Oakland Mayor has the authority to establish priority policies, while City Attorney Ryan Richardson does not have direct experience related to coal. As City Attorney, he does not set city policy or goals but rather follows direction from the City Council and Administration on all issues, including coal. The goal is for the Port of Oakland to be coal-free for improved public health. Judges are not in a position to overturn  established policy.

 Yes. I cannot accept support from harmful industry.


Peter Liu

I am teaching people how to be billionaires and I never accepted any campaign donations.  I have no handlers neither. 


Mindy Pechenuk


I don’t know any of these people and have never ever uttered a single word to any of them. 


Elizabeth Swaney

 I strongly support efforts to protect Oakland’s environment and public health. I will always advocate for solutions that align with the city’s best interests and the well-being of our communities.


Comments by District 2 Candidates Opposing Coal

Kara Murray-Badal

 Yes. I absolutely oppose a coal terminal in Oakland. We are in a Climate Emergency. We cannot continue to use or facilitate the use of coal.

 Yes. Additionally, I am a corporate free candidate and would not accept contributions from the fossil fuel industry under any circumstances.

 I absolutely oppose a coal terminal in Oakland. We are in a Climate Emergency. We cannot continue to use or facilitate the use of coal.


Paula Thomas

 I will work to prevent construction or operation of a coal export terminal in Oakland.  I signed the “No Coal in Oakland” pledge.  No Coal in Oakland, it will ruin our beautiful City!  You have my word.  My word is my Bond.

Coal is Not Good for Our Environment. We should create more Green Energy!


Statement by Other District 2 Candidate

Harold Lowe

Thank you for asking the right question.  A Councilmember shouldn’t take any position on the coal industry until a legal agreement is settled.  I believe that there can be moral industries which harm citizens, and if Council was going to be fair, we’d have to pursue action against these providers as well.  I heard our previous councilmember discuss bringing more housing to Oakland, but nixed conversations about converting the Parkway Theater to housing, and dismissed neighborhood concerns in favor of a marijuana dispensary, which has seen a significant amount of violent break-ins. I am waiting to see the pledge where I am asked to pursue any feasible strategies to remove prostitution on our streets; we have more sex workers in District 2 than anywhere in the City, and while an opponent who is on a violence prevention Board, our previous DA, our previous Mayor, and our previous Councilmember who was Council President were willing to sue pass through coal operations, but were unwilling to protect our women and girls.