NCIO Meeting

Westside Missionary Baptist Church 732 Willow Street, Oakland

Our next No Coal in Oakland general meeting will be held on Monday, May 15. NCIO will be meeting at a different time and place: at 7:00 pm at West Side Missionary Baptist Church, 732 Willow Street, in West Oakland. This location is a few blocks from our usual spot at the WOEIP office. We will […]

Rally in Sacramento: Oil Money Out, People Power In

Governor's Mansion, Sacramento 1526 H Street, Sacramento, CA, United States

Join others from NCIO at noon rally at Governor Brown’s residence (map) to call out our Governor and legislators who have allowed the oil industry to continue to threaten our air, water, and food to say OIL MONEY OUT, PEOPLE POWER IN.  Email to coordinate meeting there. NCIO's Michael Kaufman will be addressing Brown's […]

League of Conservation Voters Environmental Champions Awards Celebration

Sole Space 1714 Telegraph Ave, Oakland, CA, United States

The East Bay League of Conservation Voters will honor No Coal in Oakland alongside Save the Bay and State Senator Loni Hancock on Wednesday, May 24, 6:30-8:30 pm, at Sole Space, 1714 Telegraph Avenue.  Misao Brown will receive the award for NCIO, others are welcome to attend (visit the LCV East Bay web site's events […]

Berkeley Adult School ECO Fair

Berkeley Adult School 1701 San Pablo Ave, Berkeleyt, CA, United States

Berkeley Adult School will hold an ECO Fair on Thursday, May 25, 2017, in the Multi-Purpose Room at the BAS, 1701 San Pablo Ave. in Berkeley. There are three shifts: 8:30-11:30 AM, 12:35–3:45 PM, and 6:20–9:00 PM.  NCIO volunteers are welcome and invited to staff our table for any of these shifts. Please email […]

Temescal Street Fair

Temescal District - Telegraph Avenue 4600 Telegraph Avenue, Oakland, CA, United States

This year's Temescal Street Fair -- the 14th annual -- will be held on Sunday June 11th, 12 noon - 6 pm, on Telegraph Avenue between 41st and 51st streets (map).  Help staffing our table is welcome.  Email to volunteer. NCIO tee shirts will be available!

Tell the Global Insurance Industry: Drop Coal Coverage

California & Stockton Streets, San Francisco 655 Stockton St, San Francisco, CA, United States

We expect insurance companies to protect us from serious risks, but when it comes to climate change the insurance industry is doing the opposite: it is insuring and investing in new fossil fuel projects that directly contribute to climate catastrophe. On June 16th, leaders of the world’s largest insurance companies will be in San Francisco […]

Interfaith Council of Alameda County

Taylor Memorial Church 1188 12th Street, Oakland, CA, United States

The Interfaith Council of Alameda County will hold an event on Saturday June 17th, 2017, 1pm - 5pm, at Taylor Memorial United Methodist Church, 1188 12th Street, Oakland with lunch, speakers, and performers.  Faith support for the No Coal in Oakland campaign will be on the agenda.

“From The Ashes” – Coal Documentary, Free Community Showing

La Pena 3105 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, CA, United States

No Coal in Oakland is hosting a free screening of a new National Geographic documentary about coal, From the Ashes. Join us on Thursday, June 22 at 7:00 at La Pena Cultural Center, 3105 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, to watch this film together in community. We will also share updates about the coal campaign in Oakland […]

NCIO Meeting

West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project 349 Mandela Parkway, Oakland, CA, United States

There will be a general meeting of No Coal in Oakland on Thursday, July 27, 2017 at 5:30 p.m. at the West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project (WOEIP). WOEIP is at 349 Mandela Parkway, around the corner from the West Oakland BART station, 1/2 block south of Fifth St, behind the chain link fence and through the […]

Youth vs Coal invites support at Tagami’s Rotunda Building

Rotunda Building 300 Frank Ogawa Plaza, Oakland, CA, United States

Oakland's own Youth vs Coal announced a dramatic action asking Phil Tagami to decide which side he is on: youth vs. coal. The action is on Friday August 4th, and "people of all ages are welcome to come support" the group. Here in their own words: The fight against coal is not over. Developer Phil […]