About the Campaign

We are campaigning to stop the threat of coal being transported by rail into Oakland for export overseas.  Despite the opposition of the City Council, the Mayor, and numerous other politicians “saying” they don’t want coal passing through Oakland, the proposal to build a massive coal terminal south of the Bay Bridge on the Oakland waterfront remains on the table.

The project, known as the Oakland Bulk and Oversized Terminal, is being built by a group of developers led by Prologis CCIG Oakland Global LLC. After years of assurance5_peeps_at_city_halls that coal would not be transported through the bulk terminal, in April 2015, community members learned that the developers had secretly cut a funding deal with four Utah counties to export coal through Oakland. In exchange for $53 million in project funding, the developers promised the Utah counties shipping rights to at least 49% of the bulk terminal’s 9-10 million ton annual shipping capacity.

Utah officials have stated that they intend to use this capacity to export coal to overseas markets.  This development followed a number of public statements by CCIG’s President and CEO, Phil Tagami, that the company had “no interest or involvement in the pursuit of coal-related operations at the former Oakland Army Base.”

The City Council has the power to ban coal from the export terminal on the basis of its health and safety impacts, but they have instead referred the matter to City staff for review where it has been stuck for many months.  Mayor Schaaf can break the logjam by sending the City Council a draft ordinance to ban coal so that our City Council representatives will be required to take a stand.

Oakland has long been a center for highly polluting transportation activities. This has resulted in disproportionately high health impacts for the residents of West Oakland. Our goal is to systematically reduce the level of pollution caused by all these polluting activities, and we have made some progress.  But we can’t afford to allow brand new pollution, in the form of coal dust, to further threaten our health.  Coal is the dirtiest fossil fuel on Earth, imperiling the health of workers, endangering communities along the tracks, and contributing greatly to global warming and climate change.

Although we support the construction of the Oakland Global Trade and Logistics Center and all the jobs it will bring, we reject the developer’s claim that we need coal to be part of it or that there will be any fewer jobs if coal is banned.  Environmental justice and protection of the climate can go hand-in-hand with redevelopment of Oakland’s waterfront.

Who’s Against Coal?

There are now hundreds of organizations and individuals who have signed the letter to Mayor Schaaf and the Oakland City Council cosponsored by Sierra Club Bay Area Chapter, No Coal in Oakland, Communities for a Better Environment, Asian Pacific Environmental Network, Sunflower Alliance, 350 Bay Area, San Francisco Baykeeper, Interfaith Power & Light, West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project, and Greenaction for Health and Environmental Justice.

As of March 1, 2016, the list of signatories (*titles and organizations for identification purposes only) included the following :

  • Community and Climate Organizations

    350 Bay Area

    350 East Bay

    Alameda County Department of Public Health

    Alameda County Green Party

    Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE)

    Asian Pacific Environmental Network

    Bay Area Refinery Corridor Coalition

    Bay Area System Change Not Climate Change

    Bay Localize

    Benicians for a Safe and Healthy Community

    Block By Block Organizing Network

    Breakthrough Communities

    California Student Sustainability Coalition

    Center for Biological Diversity

    City Slicker Farm Park Council

    Climate Workers

    Coalition for Clean Air

    Communities for a Better Environment

    Community Food and Justice Coalition

    CREDO Action

    Crockett Rodeo United to Defend the Environment (CRUDE)


    East Bay Organizing for Action (OFA)

    East Bay Stonewall Democratic Club

    Edible Parks Oakland Task Force

    Food & Water Watch


    Friends of the Earth

    Greenaction for Health & Environmental Justice


    Hoover Resident Action Council

    John George Democratic Club

    League of Conservation Voters, East Bay

    Living Love Foundation

    Local Clean Energy Alliance

    Los EcoAmigos.org

    Martinez Environmental Group

    Movement Generation Justice and Ecology Project

    Oak Center Neighborhood Association

    Oakland Tenants Union

    Oakland & The World Enterprises, Inc.

    Oakland Alliance


    OccupySF Environmental Justice

    Perspective Design Build

    Planting Justice

    Prescott Oakland Point Neighborhood Association

    Protect Our Winters

    Public Advocates Inc.

    Ragged Wing Ensemble

    Rainforest Action Network

    Richmond Progressive Alliance


    Rose Foundation

    San Francisco Baykeeper

    San Francisco Green Party

    Sierra Club

    Strike Debt Bay Area

    Sunflower Alliance

    Urban Habitat

    Utility API

    Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club

    West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project

    West Oakland Neighbors

  • Labor Unions

    AFSCME District Council 57

    AFSCME Local 444

    AFSCME Local 2700

    Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU), Local 192

    American Postal Workers Union (APWU), Local 78

    Bay Area International Workers of the World (IWW)

    California Nurses Association

    Industrial Workers of the World Bay Area Chapter

    Inland Boatmen’s Union of the Pacific: San Francisco Region

    International Longshore & Warehouse Union, Local 34

    National Nurses United

    National Union of Healthcare Workers (NUHW)

    Oakland Education Association

    Peralta Federation of Teachers

    SEIU 1021

    SEIU USWW (United Service Workers West)

    UNITE HERE 2850

    United Auto Workers (UAW), Local 2865

  • Faith Organizations

    Alameda Interfaith Climate Action Network

    Allen Temple Prophetic Justice

    California Interfaith Power and Light

    Cheryl Ward Ministries

    Church by the Side of the Road

    First Unitarian Church of Oakland Earth Justice Advocates

    Kehilla Community Synagogue Greening Committee

    Montclair Presbyterian Church Environmental Committee

    The Network of Spiritual Progressives

    Oakland Community Organizations (OCO)

    St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church

    St. Patrick’s Parish

    Unitarian Universalist Church of San Francisco

  • Faith Leaders

    Rev. Debra Avery, First Presbyterian Church of Oakland*

    Reverend Dr. Ambrose F. Carroll Sr., Pastor of The Church by the Side of the Road, Founder of the Green The Church Campaign

    Rev. Ken Chambers, Pastor, West Side Missionary Baptist Church

    Reverend Marilyn Chilcote, Parish Associate, St. John’s Presbyterian Church Berkeley, and Pastor, Beacon Presbyterian Fellowship Oakland

    Rabbi David J. Cooper, Kehilla Community Synagogue

    The Reverend Ben Daniel, Senior Pastor, Montclair Presbyterian Church

    Pastor Jim Hopkins, Lakeshore Avenue Baptist Church

    Rabbi Burt Jacobson, Kehilla Community Synagogue

    Rev. Sandhya Jha, Oakland Peace Center*

    Rev. Kurt A. Kuhwald, Unitarian Universalist Community Minister, Endorsed, and Faith Alliance for a Moral Economy (FAME) – Interim Clergy Organizer

    Rev. Earl W. Koteen, Environmental Justice Minister, UU Ministry for Earth

    Rabbi Michael Lerner, Editor, Tikkun Magazine and Rabbi, Beyt Tikkun Synagogue

    Pastor Laurie Manning, Skyline Community Church

    Pastor Chauncey L. Mathews, Corinthian Baptist Church

    Monte McClain, Pastor, College Avenue Presbyterian Church

    Reverend Will McGarvey, Interfaith Council of Contra Costa County

    Rev. Dr. Robert A. McKenzie, Beacon Presbyterian Fellowship

    Rev. Dr. Valerie Miles-Tribble, Co-Pastor, Faith Presbyterian Church

    Pastor George Quickley, St. Patrick’s Parish

    The Rev. Will Scott, Interfaith Power and Light

    Rev. J. Alfred Smith, Jr., Senior Pastor, Allen Temple Baptist Church

    Rev. J. Alfred Smith, Sr., Pastor Emeritus, Allen Temple Baptist Church

    The Rev. Dr. Kwasi A. Thornell, St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church, Oakland

    Servant Brian K. Woodson, Sr. Pastor

  • Community Leaders

    Carl Anthony, Co-Founder, Breakthrough Communities

    Karolo Aparicio, Executive Director, EcoViva*

    Natalie Berns, Communications Manager, Oakland Makers

    Thomas Bowden, West Oakland Blues Musician

    Elaine Brown, CEO, Oakland and The World Enterprises, Inc.

    Vincent Casalaina, Northern Vice Chair, Progressive Caucus, CA Democratic Party

    Jess Dervin-Ackerman, AD15 Delegate, CA Democratic Party

    Russ Flanagan, Board Secretary, Belmont Staten Homeowners Association

    Jack Lucero Fleck, John George Democratic Club

    Diego Gonzalez, AD18 Delegate, CA Democratic Party,  Vice Chair, CA Democratic Party Chicano Latino Caucus, Political Director, Latino Young Democrats of the East Bay

    Rafael J. Gonzalez, Poet

    Mario Juarez, AD 18 Vice Chair, Alameda County Democratic Party

    Andy Miller, Film Director / Producer, Co-founder of Plus M Productions and Momenta Project

    Emily Montan, University of California, Office of the President

    Nancy Nadel, Oakland City Councilmember, retired

    Kathy Neal, AD 15 Vice Chair, Alameda County Democratic Party

    Steve Ongerth, Co-founder, IWW Environmental Unionism Caucus*

    M. Paloma Pavel, Co-Founder, Breakthrough Communities

    Cecile Pineda, Author, Theatre Director, and Playwright

    Sarah Richardson, 18th Assembly District Alternate to the Alameda County Democratic Central Committee, Founder/Former President, East Bay Black Young Democrats

    Wilson Riles, former Councilmember, Oakland

    Daniel Robertson, President, IAFF Local 55*

    Rita Xavier, Assembly District 15 Delegate, CA Democratic Party

  • Public Health Organizations and Providers

    Center for Climate Change and Health

    Physicians for Social Responsibility – San Francisco Bay Area

    Cynthia Belew, MS, CNM, WHNP

    Amanda Bloom, PA

    Sue Chan, MD

    Arthur Chen, MD

    Robert Gould, MD

    Floyd Huen, MD, MBA

    Susan Jacobson, MD

    Sonia Khan, MD, FAAP, Director of Pediatric Crisis Solutions

    Janice Kirsch, MD, MPH

    Lawrence M. Ng, MD

    Joseph A. Panicali, MD

    Lysa Samuel, PA

    Tolbert Small, MD

    Fred Strauss, MD

    Miya Yamamoto, MD, FACOG

  • Elected Officials

    Ty Alper, School Board Member, Berkeley

    Ruth Atkin, Mayor, Emeryville

    Jesse Arreguin, Councilmember, Berkeley

    London Breed, President, San Francisco Board of Supervisors

    Tom Butt, Mayor, Richmond

    David Campos, Supervisor, San Francisco

    Laurie Capitelli, Councilmember, Berkeley

    Keith Carson, Supervisor, Alameda County

    Shanthi Gonzales, Oakland Unified School District Board of Education*

    Nicky Gonzalez Yuen, Trustee, Peralta Community College Board

    Cy Gulassa, Trustee, Peralta Community College Board

    Jody London, Oakland Unified School District Board of Education

    Peter Maass, Mayor, Albany

    Linda Maio, Vice Mayor, Berkeley

    Dianne Martinez, Councilmember, Emeryville

    Eduardo Martinez, Councilmember, Richmond

    Nate Miley, Supervisor, Alameda County

    H.E. Christian (Chris) Peeples, Director, Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District

    Diana Prola, President, San Leandro School Board*

    Jim Prola, Vice Mayor, San Leandro*

    Gabe Quinto, Councilmember, El Cerrito

    John Rizzo, Trustee, San Francisco City College

    Alejandro Soto-Vigil, Member, Berkeley Rent Stabilization Board

    Igor Tregub, Commissioner, City of Berkeley Zoning Adjustments Board

  • Oakland Businesses and Business People

    Arizmendi Bakery, Emeryville

    Bedrock Sandals

    Better Ventures

    Cafe on 7th

    Cafe Talavera

    California Golden Bear Realty

    Core Foods

    Flight Deck

    Grand Bakery

    Kuhl Frames

    Man Cave America


    Nexus Artisans

    Oakland Chocolate Company

    Paragon Kitchen and Bath Studio

    Park Gas and Food

    Solstice Press

    Tamales La Oaxaquena

    Sean Asmar, owner and chef, Analog

    John Bourne, CEO and Co-Founder, BrightCurrent

    Laurel Davis, Owner, Donut Savant

    Cortt Dunlap, Owner, Awaken Cafe

    Dana Frasz, Founder & Director, Food Shift

    Karen Graham, Owner, Karen Graham Interiors

    John Guhl, Owner, The Star on Grand

    J. Keith Kilgore, Kilgore Inc.

    Michael Kirkman, Train Hole Art Cooperative

    Amanda Messbarger, Owner, Knimble

    Tommy Mierzwinski, Owner, Two Jacks Denim

    Allen Michaan, Grand Lake Theatre

    Alanna Rayford, owner, Urban Stitch Boutique

    Glenn Turner, Owner, Ancient Ways

  • Real Estate Agents

    Jennifer Ames, Agent, Red Oak Realty*

    Todd Andrews, Agent, Red Oak Realty*

    Charity Ankrum, Agent, Red Oak Realty*

    Larry Benedetto, Agent, Red Oak Realty*

    Dana Cordeiro, Agent, Red Oak Realty*

    Julie Cuellas, Agent, Red Oak Realty*

    Tracy Davis, Agent, Red Oak Realty*

    Linda Elkin, Agent, Red Oak Realty*

    Esther Goldberg-Contreras, Agent, Red Oak Realty*

    Russell Hill, Agent, Red Oak Realty*

    Diana Ip, Agent, Red Oak Realty*

    Hanna Kerns, Agent, Red Oak Realty*

    Maxi Lilley, Agent, Red Oak Realty*

    Kim Markison, Agent, Red Oak Realty*

    Kathy Nitsan, Agent, Red Oak Realty*

    Marsha Quick, Agent, Red Oak Realty*

    Angelo Raymundo, Agent, Red Oak Realty*

    Judy Richardson, Agent, Red Oak Realty*

    Elena Ronquillo, Agent, Red Oak Realty*

    Noreen Sanders, Agent, Red Oak Realty*

    Michele Senitzer, Agent, Red Oak Realty*

    Kate Tanaka, Agent, Red Oak Realty*

    Arthur White, Agent, Red Oak Realty*

    Stacey Wilson, Agent, Red Oak Realty*

In addition, each of the following organizations sent its own letter:

Alameda County Democratic Party

Alameda County Central Labor Council

As You Sow

California Interfaith Power and Light

East Bay Alliance for a Sustainable Economy (EBASE)

Green For All

International Longshore & Warehouse Union, Local 6

International Longshore & Warehouse Union, Local 10

Jack London Improvement District

Union of Concerned Scientists

VAMP Music