An Open Letter to Jon Brooks

Keep Coal Out of Oakland - Yard Sign

Dear Mr. Brooks,

We, the undersigned organizations, unions, neighborhood associations, businesses, community institutions, and individuals ask you, as the owner of Insight Terminal Solutions (ITS), to make an irrevocable commitment to keep coal out of Oakland.

As a newcomer to this project, you can take a fresh look at the opportunities it presents. Phil Tagami recently testified at trial that a multi-commodity terminal on 19 acres of publicly owned waterfront known as the West Gateway could be viable without coal.

Unlike former ITS owner John Siegel, you have no roots in the coal industry. Neither you nor your colleagues have experience developing marine export terminals. You acquired the West Gateway sublease as a result of the previous owner’s failed attempt to develop a coal terminal, and his consequent bankruptcy.

In the past, desperate mining interests advocated for policies that would rescue assets stranded by the accelerating renewable energy transition. But you are not tied to those sinking assets, and a clear-eyed evaluation of options beyond coal could align your interests more closely with the people and City of Oakland.

As the history of this project shows, there are many ways a coal terminal could derail the whole terminal endeavor. Investors have justifiable hesitation over the risks of robust, entrenched public opposition. There is active opposition in Utah to the diversion of tens of millions of dollars in public funds to private use. A more focused review under the California Environmental Quality Act that specifically evaluates the impacts of coal may be required. The City of Oakland could explore a new municipal ban on storage and handling of coal at the West Gateway, based on mounting scientific evidence of coal’s risks to public health and safety. And federal legislation and international action continues to speed the transition away from coal.

The intensity of opposition to coal in Oakland and the greater East Bay cannot be overstated. Our communities have proven tenacious and resourceful during our longstanding campaigns to keep coal out of Oakland and end coal shipments through Richmond’s Levin Terminal. Renewed efforts to develop a coal export terminal in West Oakland would revitalize continued, powerful, and sustained community resistance. A legally binding promise not to build a coal terminal in Oakland would render that opposition moot.

Our strong resistance to coal is grounded in a broad range of concerns:

Coal presents unacceptable risks to the health and safety of our community. Residents in nearby neighborhoods will be exposed to toxic coal dust, exacerbating a broad range of health impacts including asthma, cancer, and cardiopulmonary disease that have plagued West Oakland for decades. Coal dust’s particulate matter (PM2.5) and heavy metals are increasingly implicated in Parkinson’s Disease, a devastating malady to whose treatment and cure you have demonstrated a laudable, ongoing public commitment.

Coal is bad for workers and for organized labor. Over 20 local unions are on record as opposing construction and operation of a coal export terminal, including the Alameda Labor Council which represents 135,000 union members. Workers at the port would be directly exposed to the highest concentrations of toxic coal dust. Terminals that ship coal provide far fewer jobs than the numbers touted by Phil Tagami and his partners, and a paltry number of jobs for Oaklanders.

Coal is a threat to life on Earth. An Oakland coal terminal would allow more of the dirtiest fossil fuel to be mined and burned at a moment when steep reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is necessary to avert climate catastrophe. The transport of coal through a local marine terminal would pollute the San Francisco Bay and threaten species that depend on a healthy aquatic environment. Building a new coal terminal on the Oakland waterfront is incompatible with a sustainable future for the planet as well as for our local communities.

We urge you to do the right thing and make the responsible choice: a binding pledge not to bring a coal export terminal to Oakland.


Co-sponsoring organizations

350 Bay Area
Asian Pacific Environmental Network
Communities for a Better Environment
Interfaith Council of Alameda County
No Coal in Oakland
No Coal in Richmond
Physicians for Social Responsibility SF Bay
San Francisco Baykeeper
Sierra Club, San Francisco Bay
Sunflower Alliance
West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project
West Oakland Neighbors
Youth Vs Apocalypse


1000 Grandmothers for Future Generations
350 Humboldt
Albany Climate Action Coalition
Alliance for a Better Utah
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Council 57
Bay Area Christian Connection
Bay Area-System Change not Climate Change
BayPorte Village Neighborhood Watch Block Captain
Block by Block Organizing Network
California Environmental Justice Coalition
California Interfaith Power & Light
California Nurses Association
California Nurses for Environmental Health and Justice
Citizens’ Climate Lobby, Alameda County
Climate Health Now
Codepink Bay Area
Comité Civico del Valle, Inc.
Comité pro uno
Community Printers
Conservation Action Trust
East Yard Communities for Environmental Justice
el Pueblo Para el Agua Limpia de Kettleman City
Environmental Democracy Project
Environmental Justice Coalition for Water
Extinction Rebellion Peace
Extinction Rebellion San Francisco Bay Area
Extinction Rebellion Youth Los Angeles
First Unitarian Church of Oakland
Food Empowerment Project
Fossil Free California
Friends of the Public Bank East Bay
Frontline Catalysts
Green Party of Alameda County
Green The Church
Greenaction for Health and Environmental Justice
Greenbank Associates
Healthy Martinez: Refinery Accountability Group
Hoover Foster Resident Action Council
Indivisible East Bay
Inland Boatman’s Union (Bay Area Region)
Industrial Workers of the World (Bay Area General Membership Branch)
International Longshore & Warehouse Union Local 6
International Longshore & Warehouse Union Local 10
John George Democratic Club
La Peña Community Chorus
Labor Rise Climate Jobs Action Group
Lakeshore Avenue Baptist Church
Living Rivers & Colorado Riverkeeper
Local Clean Energy Alliance
Marie Harrison Community Foundation
Marin City Climate Resilience
Oak Center Neighborhood Association
Oil and Gas Action Network
Pacific Environment
Peace and Freedom Party of Alameda County
Persistent Planet
Physicians for Social Responsibility Los Angeles
Physicians for Social Responsibility Sacramento
Preparations for Reparations
Prescott-Oakland Point Neighborhood Association
Scientist Rebellion Turtle Island West
Service Employees International Union Local 1021
Sevier Citizens for Clean Air & Water, Inc
Skyline Community Church, United Church of Christ, Oakland
Stop OAK Expansion Coalition
Trees for Oakland
Utah Citizens Advocating Renewable Energy
Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club
West Berkeley Alliance for Clean Air and Safe Jobs
Youth Climate Strike Los Angeles


Lawrence Abbott ᐧ Ryan Acebo ᐧ Leandro Aconcha ᐧ sade adeyemi ᐧ Kimberly Aikawa-Olin ᐧ Stephen Akerson-Nagy ᐧ Jahahara Amen-RA Alkebulan-Ma’at ᐧ Arthur Allen ᐧ Ken Allen ᐧ Marjorie Alvord ᐧ Judie Anders ᐧ Rev. Kenneth Andersen ᐧ Bret Andrews ᐧ Susan Andrews ᐧ JL Angell ᐧ Janan Apaydin ᐧ Bonnie Arbuckle ᐧ Jane Armbruster ᐧ Sam Arons ᐧ Stephen Asztalos ᐧ Thomas Athanasiou ᐧ Kerri Atwood ᐧ Frances Aubrey ᐧ Chris Auriemma ᐧ David Baca ᐧ Katherine Bacher ᐧ Paul Backhurst ᐧ anne byrnes bailey ᐧ Dr. Richard L. Bailey ᐧ Arlene Baker ᐧ Fiona Baker ᐧ Harry Baker ᐧ Paula Baker ᐧ Suzanne Baker ᐧ Bill Balderston ᐧ Fred Bamber ᐧ Jane Barbarow ᐧ Carol Bardoff ᐧ J. Barry ᐧ Susan Bassein ᐧ Dale Baum ᐧ Laurie Baumgarten ᐧ Ryan Beam ᐧ Dixon Beatty ᐧ Karen Beck ᐧ Matthias Beck ᐧ Stephen Beck ᐧ Claire Beckstoffer ᐧ Jeffrey Beeman ᐧ Judy Belcher ᐧ Lesley Bell ᐧ Valerie Bengal MD ᐧ David Bennett ᐧ Barbara Bennigson ᐧ Barbara Benzwi ᐧ Joshua Bergstrom ᐧ Alexey Berlind ᐧ Barbara Berman ᐧ Abbie Bernstein ᐧ Elise R Bernstein ᐧ Paul Bernstein ᐧ Jonathan Besson ᐧ Jim Besy ᐧ Constance M. Beutel, EdD ᐧ Chirag G Bhakta ᐧ Justine Bhangoo ᐧ Jessica Bielenberg ᐧ Katharine Bierce ᐧ Matt Biggar ᐧ Joyce A Bird ᐧ Moira Birss ᐧ Amanda Bloom ᐧ Steve Bloom ᐧ Felicia Bock ᐧ Susan Boggiano ᐧ Diana Bohn ᐧ Kathie Boley ᐧ Martha Booz ᐧ Daniel Borgstrom ᐧ Melanie Bowden ᐧ Karen Bowen ᐧ Meg Bowerman ᐧ Phil Bowling-Dyer ᐧ Lynn Bradley ᐧ Kelly Jean Brainard ᐧ Sara Brandon ᐧ James E. Brenneman ᐧ Nancy Breslin ᐧ Quanah Brightman ᐧ Pat Brooks ᐧ Kat Broomall ᐧ Claire Broome ᐧ Kermit D Brooms ᐧ Clair Brown ᐧ Melba Brown ᐧ Misao Brown ᐧ Edie Bruce ᐧ Barbara Brunell ᐧ Karen Buckmaster ᐧ Paula Buel ᐧ Blaine Burgstrom ᐧ Judi Burle ᐧ Daniel Burns ᐧ Charles Burress ᐧ David Burtis ᐧ Chuck Busch ᐧ Jean Busch ᐧ Ann Bykerk-Kauffman ᐧ meesh cabal ᐧ Pavle Cajic ᐧ Maureen Caldwell-Meurer ᐧ Alicia Callejo-Black ᐧ Allan Landis Campbell ᐧ Lisa Carey ᐧ Cynthia Carmichael, MD ᐧ Tamar Carson ᐧ Janny Castillo ᐧ Theresa Catlin ᐧ Eric Cavallari ᐧ Janice Cecil ᐧ Howard Chabner ᐧ Paul Chapman ᐧ Mahin Charles ᐧ Jamie Chau ᐧ Yvonne Chau ᐧ Sharon Chelton ᐧ Grant Chen ᐧ Paul Chin ᐧ Derek Ching ᐧ David Chipkin ᐧ Janet Chisholm ᐧ AJ Cho ᐧ Sejal Choksi-Chugh ᐧ Beth Christensen ᐧ Jonathan Chu ᐧ shanai chung ᐧ Bessie Citrin ᐧ Susan R Clark ᐧ Lara Clayman ᐧ Rupert Clayton ᐧ Ruth Clifford ᐧ Trish Clifford ᐧ Dick Cluster ᐧ Allison Coleman, MD ᐧ David Coleman ᐧ Juliayn Coleman ᐧ Megan Coleman ᐧ Jane Collier ᐧ Zipporah Collins ᐧ Randolph Colosky ᐧ Kate Colwell MD ᐧ Kerry Compton ᐧ Heather Conrad ᐧ Alternier B. Cook ᐧ Wiliam Cooper ᐧ Caitlin Cornwall ᐧ Charles Cornwall ᐧ Leslie Correll ᐧ Edward J Costello ᐧ Tim Courtney ᐧ Karen Cowe ᐧ lis cox ᐧ Nora Coyle ᐧ Charles Crane ᐧ Jeanne Crawford ᐧ Carol Crooks ᐧ Suzanne Cubbison ᐧ Kermit Cuff ᐧ Payrick Cullinane ᐧ Maria Cunningham, RN, PHN ᐧ Diana Curiel ᐧ Chance Cutrano ᐧ Shawnee Cuzzillo, PhD ᐧ Karen Dabrusin ᐧ Michael Dack ᐧ Friedman Dagmar ᐧ Linda Dallin ᐧ Ann Dallman MD, MPH ᐧ Beverly Dance ᐧ Lawrence Danosm ᐧ Kartik Darapuneni ᐧ Betsy Darr ᐧ Julia Dashe ᐧ Ann Marie Davis ᐧ Elinor Davis ᐧ Joanne Davis ᐧ Larry Dean ᐧ Terri Decker ᐧ Paula DeFelice ᐧ Rick DeGolia ᐧ Francis Oisin Hart D’Emilio ᐧ JoEllen DeNicola ᐧ Michael Denton ᐧ Nick Despota ᐧ Beth DeVincenzi ᐧ Jan Diamond ᐧ Barbara Diederichs ᐧ Erin Diehm ᐧ Judith Doane ᐧ Christopher Donahue ᐧ Gretchen Donart ᐧ Amy Donovan ᐧ dorohtea dorenz ᐧ Ann Dorsey ᐧ elizabeth dortch ᐧ Carol Draizen ᐧ Carol Drake ᐧ William Draper ᐧ Mia Dreyer ᐧ cort dubya ᐧ Monica DuClaud ᐧ Helen Duffy ᐧ Glenda Dugan ᐧ Jan Van Dusen ᐧ Kaitlyn Dykstra ᐧ Marcia Edelen ᐧ Catherine Edwards ᐧ Tom Edwards ᐧ Marcus Eichenberg ᐧ Michael Eichenholtz ᐧ Michael Eisenscher ᐧ W. El-Ahdab ᐧ Evan Elias ᐧ John and Claude Elk ᐧ Karen Elliott ᐧ Sandy Emerson ᐧ Elena Engel ᐧ Kirk Essler ᐧ Janet Esteves ᐧ Joseph Evans ᐧ Jeanne Ewy ᐧ Farhad Farahmand ᐧ Krista Farey ᐧ Giovannina Fazio ᐧ Jackie Feazell ᐧ Joya Feltzin ᐧ Yun Feng ᐧ Lisa Ferguson ᐧ trea ferguson ᐧ Angela Fernandez ᐧ Asano Fertig ᐧ Chiue Fields ᐧ Drew Finke ᐧ Robin E Finnegan ᐧ Stan Fitzgerald ᐧ Mary Flanagan ᐧ Jack Lucero Fleck ᐧ Meredith Florian ᐧ lora jo foo ᐧ Abbot Foote ᐧ Vanessa Forsythe ᐧ Sanford Forte ᐧ Donald Fortescue ᐧ Louise Fortmann ᐧ Nicole Fountain ᐧ Sally Francis ᐧ lynn alicia franco ᐧ Alexis Frank ᐧ Rebecca Franke ᐧ Linda Frankel ᐧ Ted Franklin ᐧ Thomas Fratar ᐧ Steve Freedkin ᐧ Lillian Freeman ᐧ Michael Freeman ᐧ Richard Freeman ᐧ Allison Frelinger ᐧ Will Freyman ᐧ Lisa Friedman ᐧ Nancy Friedman ᐧ Christopher Frost ᐧ MaryAnn Furda ᐧ Barbara Fuscsick ᐧ Sherrill Futrell ᐧ Evan Gach ᐧ Querido Galdo ᐧ Angela Gantos ᐧ Ann Garrison ᐧ David F. Gassman ᐧ Rick Gaston ᐧ Don Gates ᐧ Carolyn Gayden ᐧ Nancy Gendel ᐧ Vanessa Gerber ᐧ Marion Gerlind ᐧ Kenneth Gibson ᐧ Ellen Gierson ᐧ Chris Gilbert ᐧ Susan Gill ᐧ Andy Gillis ᐧ Rogelio Giron ᐧ Ruby Giron-Carson ᐧ Dr. Patty Glatt ᐧ Debra Golata ᐧ Martha Goldin ᐧ John Golding ᐧ Rafael J. González ᐧ Esther Goolsby ᐧ Margaret Gordon ᐧ Rachel Gordon ᐧ amy gorman ᐧ Fred Goss ᐧ Robert M. Gould, MD ᐧ Barbara Grady-Ayer ᐧ Ariella Granett ᐧ Kendra Grathwohl ᐧ Caryn Graves ᐧ Jessea NR Greenman ᐧ Becca Greenstein ᐧ Anne Gregory ᐧ Judith Grether ᐧ Nory Griffin ᐧ Lin Griffith ᐧ Bruce Grossan ᐧ Julie OT Groves ᐧ monica grycz ᐧ Elsa Guerra ᐧ Sandra Guerra ᐧ Kim Guess ᐧ Heather Guillen ᐧ Kay Guinane ᐧ Barry Gullette ᐧ Karen Guma ᐧ Simon Gunner ᐧ Vicki Gunter ᐧ Sam Guzman ᐧ Laura A. Rosenberger Haider ᐧ Diana Hall ᐧ Holly Hall ᐧ Laura Hall ᐧ Charles Hammerstad ᐧ Susan Harman ᐧ Casey Harper ᐧ Larry Harper ᐧ Brianna Harrington ᐧ Maia Harris ᐧ Susan L. Harris ᐧ Arieann Harrison ᐧ Kate Harrison ᐧ Ann Harvey ᐧ Brit Harvey ᐧ Kim Harvey, MD ᐧ Leigh Harwood ᐧ Janis Hashe ᐧ Tamara Haw ᐧ Tom Haw ᐧ Michelle Hayes ᐧ Helen Logan Hays ᐧ Pam Hefferman ᐧ Tom Helm ᐧ Kalen Hendra, MD ᐧ Patricia Hennigan ᐧ Rachel Heron ᐧ Eve Hershcopf ᐧ Susanne Herting ᐧ Michael Herz, Ph.D. ᐧ Mary Lawrence Hicks ᐧ Rev. Ora Hicks ᐧ Cheryl Higgins ᐧ Monica Hilding ᐧ Alison Hill ᐧ Richard Hill ᐧ barbara hindi ᐧ Lori Hines ᐧ jim hite ᐧ Rebecca Holder ᐧ Nancy Hollander ᐧ Matt Holmes ᐧ Rose Holmes ᐧ Pastor Jim Hopkins ᐧ Sylvia Hopkins ᐧ Marian Hopping ᐧ Martin A. Horwitz ᐧ Kimi Hosoume ᐧ Carole Howard ᐧ Rosemary E. Howley ᐧ Dr. Floyd Huen ᐧ Suzanne Hume ᐧ Melissa Hutchinson ᐧ Soon Hwang ᐧ Audrey Y Ichinose ᐧ Sunni Ivey ᐧ Annette Iwamoto ᐧ David Jaber ᐧ Karen Jacobs ᐧ Mark Jacobson ᐧ Karen Jacques ᐧ Greg Jan ᐧ Risa Jaroslow ᐧ Karin Jeffery ᐧ Nadine Jenkins ᐧ Jamay Jermany ᐧ Kathy Jessen ᐧ Janet Jett ᐧ Martine Johannessen ᐧ Elizabeth Johnke ᐧ Eloisa Johnsen ᐧ Gary Johnsen ᐧ Craig Johnson ᐧ Dwight Johnson ᐧ Janet Johnson ᐧ Sandra J Johnson ᐧ Torger Johnson ᐧ sharon jones ᐧ Zoe Jonick ᐧ Adam Joselson ᐧ Constance Jubb ᐧ Tom Kahan ᐧ Allen Kanner ᐧ Suzy Karasik ᐧ Dean Karay ᐧ Elizabeth Katz ᐧ Michael Kaufman ᐧ David L. Keeler ᐧ Andrew Kegg ᐧ Ben Keller ᐧ Patrick M. Kennedy ᐧ Weldon Kennedy ᐧ Michael Kenney ᐧ Kathy Kerridge ᐧ Catherine Kessler ᐧ Branstetter Kevin ᐧ Ray Kidd ᐧ Sunhee Kim ᐧ Sue King ᐧ tiara king ᐧ Kevin Kingma ᐧ Timothy Kingwell ᐧ Judith Kirk ᐧ Dr. Janice Kirsch ᐧ Jan Kirsch, M.D., M.P.H. ᐧ Karen Kirschling ᐧ Amy Kiser ᐧ Betty Kissilove ᐧ Dan and Lilly Kittredge ᐧ Abhishek Kona ᐧ Kedar Korde ᐧ Andi Kosich ᐧ Diana Kostka ᐧ Geoffrey Kotin ᐧ Martine Kraus, PhD ᐧ Helen Krayenhoff ᐧ Albert Kueffner ᐧ Carol Kuelper ᐧ AG Kukulan ᐧ Nick Kukulan ᐧ Nancy Kurshan ᐧ Joel Kushins ᐧ Sheri Kuticka ᐧ Michael Kutilek ᐧ Rev. Robert Lacy ᐧ Christa Laib ᐧ Tim Laidman ᐧ Akash Lalka ᐧ Diane LaMacchia ᐧ Patricia Lamborn ᐧ Llyana Landes ᐧ Esther Lang ᐧ Hazael Langford ᐧ Real lapalm ᐧ Wolf Lapin ᐧ jennifer laporta ᐧ Rosemary Van Lare ᐧ Ady Larsen ᐧ Gwendolyn Larson ᐧ J Lasahn ᐧ Carter Lavin ᐧ Sophia Leál ᐧ Peter Lee ᐧ Sophia Lee ᐧ Cate Leger ᐧ Ellen Leng ᐧ Tom Lent ᐧ Cathy Leonard ᐧ Matt Leonard ᐧ May Leong ᐧ M. Virginia Leslie ᐧ Bianca Lewis ᐧ Sharon Lieberman ᐧ joseph liesner ᐧ Kelly Lin ᐧ Miles Lincoln ᐧ Sarah Lincoln ᐧ Lauren Linda ᐧ Patty Linder ᐧ Connie Lindgren ᐧ Peter Lindsay ᐧ Emma Ling ᐧ yao liow ᐧ Christopher Lish ᐧ Fredy Liu ᐧ Deborah Lloyd ᐧ Bonnie Lockhart ᐧ David Longhurst ᐧ Kristen Loomis ᐧ Rachel Loui ᐧ Marcia Lovelace ᐧ Beverly Loyo ᐧ Brandon Luce ᐧ Mary Luckey ᐧ Merry Luskin ᐧ Christopher Lutz ᐧ Gina Luzzi ᐧ Jane Lyon ᐧ Peter Maass ᐧ Martin MacKerel ᐧ Judy MacLean ᐧ Wakean Maclean ᐧ Heather MacLeod ᐧ Jack Macy ᐧ Alex Madonik ᐧ Ginny Madsen ᐧ elaine magree ᐧ James Mahady ᐧ Cathy Mahoney ᐧ Lewis Maldonado ᐧ Jeremiah Maller ᐧ Melissa Mandel ᐧ Thomas Manley ᐧ Jeffrey Mann ᐧ Rev Laurie Manning ᐧ Duane Marble ᐧ Anthony Marcus ᐧ Martin Marcus ᐧ Aida Marina ᐧ Tony Marks-Block, Ph.D. ᐧ Madeline Marrow ᐧ Amelia S. Marshall ᐧ Cameron Martin ᐧ Jason Martin ᐧ Maria Martin ᐧ Mark Martin ᐧ Eduardo Martinez ᐧ Steve Masover ᐧ James P Massar ᐧ Mari Matsumoto ᐧ Catherine Mattison ᐧ Richard Maurer ᐧ Helene Maxwell ᐧ Jane Maxwell ᐧ David Mazariegos ᐧ Craig McCaleb ᐧ Ellen McCann ᐧ Ashley McClure ᐧ Ellen McClure ᐧ Claudia McDonagh ᐧ Rowyn McDonald ᐧ Caephren McKenna ᐧ Joanna Mei ᐧ Christina Merlo ᐧ Michelle Merrill, PhD ᐧ Paul Merriwether ᐧ Susie Meserve ᐧ Rev. Benjamin Walker Meyers ᐧ Veronica Michael ᐧ Rachel Michaelsen ᐧ Annette Miller ᐧ Laura Miller ᐧ Tara Miller ᐧ Teresa Miller ᐧ Amanda Millstein ᐧ Holly Mines ᐧ Doug Minkler ᐧ Margaret Mischner ᐧ Desiree Mitchell ᐧ Robin Mitchell ᐧ Jane L. Moad ᐧ Brian Moench ᐧ Marjaneh Moini, MD ᐧ Ernesto Montenero ᐧ Jeralyn L. Moran ᐧ Sandra Morey ᐧ Jamie Morf ᐧ Grace Morizawa ᐧ David Morris ᐧ kent morris ᐧ Fred Morrison ᐧ Barbara Morrissette ᐧ Steve Morse ᐧ Jane Moser ᐧ Allan Moskowitz CFP ᐧ Mary Moycik ᐧ Mary Muellerleile ᐧ Lindsay Mugglestone ᐧ Margaret Mulligan ᐧ Kevin CW Mulvey ᐧ Kyle Mumma ᐧ Indra Mungal ᐧ Beth Altshuler Munoz, MCP MPH ᐧ Lauren Murdock ᐧ Janice Murota, M.D. ᐧ C.B. Murphy ᐧ Vasu Murti ᐧ Laura Muschietti ᐧ Jane Nachazel-Ruck ᐧ Nikki Nafziger ᐧ Tomi Nagai-Rothe ᐧ Tem Narvios ᐧ Matthew E. Nelson ᐧ Scott Nelson ᐧ Bryce Nesbitt ᐧ alice nguyen ᐧ Helen Nicholas ᐧ Matt Nichols ᐧ matt nielsen ᐧ Mirtha Ninayahuar ᐧ Carolyn Norr ᐧ Debbie Notkin ᐧ Mike O’Halloran ᐧ Sarah O’Halloran ᐧ Ted Obbard ᐧ Deborah OBrien ᐧ John Oda ᐧ Jimmy O’Dea ᐧ Marge O’Halloran ᐧ Anuoluwapo Olabode ᐧ Lenore Olmstead ᐧ Beverly Olsen ᐧ Patricia St. Onge ᐧ Steve Ongerth ᐧ Karen O’Rourke ᐧ Annika Osborn ᐧ Hillary Ostrow ᐧ Linda Owczarz ᐧ Alvirdia Owens ᐧ Ernest Pacheco ᐧ Sharon Paltin ᐧ Adarsh Pandit ᐧ Bonnie Pannell ᐧ Cori Pansarasa ᐧ Cynthia Papermaster ᐧ Will Parish ᐧ Jason Park ᐧ Lisa Park ᐧ Noel Park ᐧ Dep. Min. Cseneca Parker ᐧ Nancy Parker ᐧ Nan Parks ᐧ Ken Chambers, Pastor ᐧ Rashid Patch ᐧ Laura Patnode ᐧ Philip Patrick ᐧ Kayla Paulson ᐧ glenda pawsey ᐧ Jud Peake ᐧ Scott Pearson ᐧ David Pedersen ᐧ Sutton Peirce ᐧ Dr. Susan Penner ᐧ Mallory Penney ᐧ Jaime Perez ᐧ Jane Perry ᐧ Pete Perry ᐧ Denise Peschel ᐧ David Peters ᐧ Jean Peters ᐧ Nick Peterson ᐧ Jessica Phan ᐧ Ellen H Phillips ᐧ Heather Phipps ᐧ Carol Pierson ᐧ Bill Pinkham ᐧ Lynn Pique ᐧ J Pizzo ᐧ Greg Plant ᐧ Rev. Irene L Plunkett, PhD ᐧ Jackie Pomies ᐧ Rita Poppenk ᐧ Sandra Portillo-Robins ᐧ Robert Pound ᐧ Marcia Pratt ᐧ Elizabeth Preston, Ph.D., MTS ᐧ Marilyn Price ᐧ Nora Privitera ᐧ Hons. Jim and Diana Prola ᐧ Micaela Pronio ᐧ Stefanie Pruegel ᐧ Diane Puntenney ᐧ Kristen Pursley ᐧ Jean Quan ᐧ Stephen Quesenberry ᐧ CF Radeker ᐧ Elena C. Ramirez ᐧ Alvaro Ramos ᐧ Zach Rasmussen ᐧ Christopher Ratcliff ᐧ Nicholas J Ratto ᐧ Linda Ray ᐧ Aaron Reaven ᐧ Maryellen Redish ᐧ Leah Redwood ᐧ Mark Reedy ᐧ Judy Rees ᐧ Ulla Reeves ᐧ Madison Reichhold ᐧ peter d. reimer ᐧ Tara Reinertson ᐧ Barbara Rhine ᐧ Janet Rhodes ᐧ Jeff de Rhodes ᐧ Lynn Rhodes ᐧ Ken Rice ᐧ Heather Richard ᐧ Greg Richardson ᐧ bonnie richman ᐧ Lonna Richmond ᐧ Nancy Rieser ᐧ Kristel Rietesel ᐧ Gayle Riggs ᐧ Wendy Ring MD, MPH ᐧ Marianna Riser ᐧ Jerry Rivers ᐧ Megan Robbins ᐧ R Robinson ᐧ Richard P.C. Rodgers ᐧ Sandy Rodgers ᐧ Mercedes S Rodriguez ᐧ Greg Rosen ᐧ Ken Rosen ᐧ Stephen Rosenblum ᐧ penny rosenwasser ᐧ Emily Ross ᐧ Nicholas Ross ᐧ Margaret Rossoff ᐧ Patricia Roth ᐧ Donald Rothberg ᐧ Carol A Rothman ᐧ Sarah Royce ᐧ Jan Ruby ᐧ Charlotte Russell ᐧ Jennifer Russell ᐧ M. K. Russell ᐧ Alexander Ryan ᐧ Parya Saberi ᐧ Nikki Sachs ᐧ Kenneth Saffier ᐧ Linda Sainz ᐧ Dalia Salgado ᐧ Graciela Salinas ᐧ barbara sanders ᐧ Ken Sanford ᐧ Sue Santoro ᐧ Paul Sarvasy ᐧ Rondi Saslow ᐧ Suzanne Rush Saul ᐧ karen savelich ᐧ jane scantlebury ᐧ Nancy Schafer ᐧ Carol Schaffer ᐧ Artemis Schatzkin ᐧ Lauaren Schiffman ᐧ Ann Schnake ᐧ Becca Schonberg ᐧ Janice Schroeder ᐧ Bridget Schultz ᐧ Judy Schultz ᐧ Betsy Schulz ᐧ Margaret Schulze ᐧ Juliana Schwartz ᐧ frank scott ᐧ Rev. TM Scott-Smith ᐧ Patricia Seffens ᐧ Susan Segal ᐧ Susan Sepanik ᐧ Ioana Seritan ᐧ Marguerite Sgrillo ᐧ Ellen Shaffer ᐧ Donna Sharee ᐧ Diya Sharma ᐧ Lois Sharpnack ᐧ Howard Shaw NP, MS,RN ᐧ Laura Shifley ᐧ Lydia Shrestha ᐧ Mel and Lisa Sibony ᐧ Nancy Sidebotham ᐧ D.G. Sifuentes ᐧ Erica Sigal ᐧ Lynn Signorelli ᐧ Susan Silber ᐧ Dorothy Silver ᐧ Rita J Silverberg ᐧ Susan Silverman ᐧ Portia Sinnott ᐧ Sangay Sirleaf-Gaskin ᐧ Tony Sirna ᐧ Dita Škalič ᐧ Teresa Skelly, MD, MPH ᐧ Bob Skinner ᐧ Nick Slater ᐧ Kevin Slauson ᐧ Olivia Smartt ᐧ Helen Smiler ᐧ Dr. Bernard Smith, PhD ᐧ J Alfred Smith Sr ᐧ Judith Smith ᐧ paul smith ᐧ Sean Smith ᐧ Tanner Smith ᐧ Teri Smith ᐧ Phylece Snyder ᐧ Susan E. Snyder ᐧ Todd Snyder ᐧ Carol Solomon ᐧ Armando Solorzano ᐧ Judy Sorey ᐧ Jessica Sorrels ᐧ Carol Sparks ᐧ Margaret Sparks ᐧ Alex Spehr ᐧ Bob Spies ᐧ Jim Spooner ᐧ Simon Stahl ᐧ Joan Starr ᐧ Julie Starrett ᐧ Virginia Stearns ᐧ Abby Steckel ᐧ Judy Stern ᐧ Roberta Stern ᐧ Stefanie Steurer ᐧ Elsa Chinea Stevens ᐧ A. Stimmel ᐧ Russell B. Stone, PsyD ᐧ Ron Strochlic ᐧ Ogie Strogatz ᐧ Mary Lou Sumberg ᐧ Amber Sumrall ᐧ Paula Swiatkowski ᐧ Eugene Switkes ᐧ Courtney Tam ᐧ Xinci Tan ᐧ Rev. Allison Tanner ᐧ Sheila Tarbet ᐧ Mari Rose Taruc ᐧ Beverly Taylor ᐧ Charles Taylor ᐧ Nancy Taylor ᐧ Ula Taylor ᐧ Jean Tepperman ᐧ Sara Theiss ᐧ Danielle Thompson ᐧ Greg Thomson ᐧ Helen Tinsley-Jones ᐧ Scott Tipton ᐧ Randall Tom ᐧ Radha Tomassetti ᐧ Michael Tomlinson ᐧ Ellen Toomey ᐧ John Torok ᐧ Patricia Trafican ᐧ Judy Trahan ᐧ Najorae Trang-Kwina ᐧ Igor Tregub ᐧ Dale G. Tremper ᐧ Tia Triplett ᐧ Justin Truong ᐧ Sin-Mei Tsai ᐧ Ziv Tzvieli ᐧ Fern Uennatornwaranggoon ᐧ chiedu ufoegbune ᐧ susan vance ᐧ Margery VanDerslice ᐧ James E Vann ᐧ Megha Varma ᐧ Claire Vela ᐧ Daniel van der Velden ᐧ Alexander Vollmer ᐧ Dawn Marie Wadle ᐧ Natalie Walsh ᐧ Linda Walsroup ᐧ Ernie Walters ᐧ Chloe Wanaselja ᐧ Karl Wanaselja ᐧ Rev. Cheryl Ward ᐧ David Warner ᐧ Allene Warren ᐧ Bruce Waterman ᐧ Susan Waters ᐧ Adele Watts ᐧ Dale Weatherspoon ᐧ Jeffrey Webber ᐧ Max Wechsler ᐧ Shoshana Wechsler ᐧ Susan Wehrle ᐧ karen weil ᐧ Rev. Kankai David Weinberg ᐧ Beth Weinberger ᐧ Linda Weiner ᐧ Gail Weininger ᐧ Steve Weiss ᐧ Alex Weisshaus ᐧ Nikolas Wekwerth ᐧ Susan Welch ᐧ Janet Westwood ᐧ Michael Wharton ᐧ Madelyn Wheeler, MD ᐧ Gretchen Whisenand ᐧ Deana White ᐧ Pamela White ᐧ Barbara Whitfield ᐧ Carol Wiley ᐧ Steve Willett ᐧ Tom Willging ᐧ Judy Williams ᐧ Eric Wilson ᐧ Renais Winter ᐧ Verna Winters ᐧ Patrice Woeppel ᐧ Saundra Wolfe ᐧ Tracy Wonnell ᐧ Bill Wood ᐧ Carol Wood ᐧ Charlene Woodcock ᐧ Sara Woodhull ᐧ Servant BK Woodson Sr ᐧ Carla Woodworth ᐧ Susan Worden ᐧ Claudia Wornum ᐧ Alfreda Wright ᐧ Armin Wright ᐧ Candice Wright ᐧ Lara Wright, M.D. ᐧ Carol Wyatt ᐧ Kristine Wyndham ᐧ Kiseup Yoon ᐧ JoAnn Yoshioka ᐧ April Youn ᐧ Lucinda Young ᐧ Nicky Gonzalez Yuen ᐧ Thomas Zachary ᐧ Leana Zang-Rosetti ᐧ Marisha Zeffer ᐧ Michael Zelinski ᐧ Margaret Zhou ᐧ Ilonka Zlatar ᐧ Marya Zlatnik, MD ᐧ Karen Zukor ᐧ Pilar Zuniga