2 results for month: 03/2023

New proof: coal trains spread toxic PM2.5 pollution in Richmond, CA

Coal trains passing through a Richmond, California neighborhood on their way to the Levin Terminal add significantly more toxic particulate matter (PM2.5) to the atmosphere than other freight or passenger trains, according to a new, peer-reviewed scientific study published this month in Springer Nature’s Air Quality, Atmosphere, and Health, an international, interdisciplinary journal. The term PM2.5 refers to particles in the air that are two-and-one-half microns wide or smaller. There are one million microns in a meter; one micron is approximately 1/25,000 of an inch. Authors of the Richmond-based study cite prior research establishing that ...

Oakland moves to streamline trial seeking eviction of coal terminal developers

On March 17, 2023, the City of Oakland filed a motion to streamline the upcoming trial of developer Phil Tagami’s lawsuit against the City and the City’s countersuit against Tagami. The City’s motion would split the proceedings into two separate trials: an initial bench trial without a jury and a second trial with a jury. Under the “bifurcation” plan, the second trial would occur only if issues remained that could not be decided by the judge. The City’s proposal to “bifurcate” the trial rests on a distinction between equitable issues that judges must decide and legal issues that may require a jury. The City argues that equitable ...