3 results for month: 07/2018

Open letter to Bank of Montreal Ombudsperson: no financing for coal!

No Coal in Oakland emailed this letter to staff at the Bank of Montreal, which has positioned itself to raise funds needed to build a coal terminal in West Oakland. The coal terminal project is locally fronted by would-be coal developer Phil Tagami, and is sponsored by coal giant Bowie Resources. The letter is part of No Coal in Oakland's ongoing Stop the Coal Money Initiative, which aims to block the capital to finance the terminal by stigmatizing would-be financiers and warning pension funds about toxic coal projects. This letter, addressed to the Bank of Montreal's ombudsperson Bindu Dhaliwal, follows up our letter to the CEO of the bank, sent ...

Politicians Pledge to Refuse Support from Tagami

Despite widespread opposition to his proposed Oakland coal terminal, developer Phil Tagami continues to jockey for political influence. No Coal in Oakland is determined to render Tagami politically toxic until he makes a legally binding agreement not to ship coal through West Oakland. NCIO is collecting pledges from politicians that they will not accept contributions from Tagami so long as he continues promoting coal. The pledge reads: "I will not accept any support, financial or otherwise, to my campaign or my political fundraising efforts from Phil Tagami until he enters into a legally binding contract not to ship coal through Oakland.” NCIO ...

Stop the Coal Money: sign Open Letter to Bank of Montreal

No Coal in Oakland welcomes individuals and organizations to sign onto an Open Letter to the Bank of Montreal, which has mired itself in raising funds for the Bowie Resources sponsored effort to build a coal terminal in West Oakland, a project fronted by Oakland's coal developer Phil Tagami. We're calling on the bank to "honor the Oakland City Council’s ordinance prohibiting storage and handling of coal anywhere in the city" and pledge to "refrain from advising on or arranging financing for the proposed terminal." The open letter follows up our letter to the CEO of the bank, sent on March 29, 2018. A detailed background paper describes the ...