No Coal at the Federal Courthouse in San Francisco 4-20-17
Photo of faith leaders against coal in front of Oakland City Hall
Demonstrators dump coal in front of developer Phil Tagami's office.
Young people on steps of City Hall, No Coal rally July 21, 2015
Grand Lake Theater marquee deploring Tagami's lawsuit against the City of Oakland
Federal Courthouse SF - 4-20-17

Photo Credit: Tulio Ospina


Photo: Steve Nadel

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The Developer Promised No Coal:

“It has come to my attention, that there are community concerns about a purported plan to develop a coal plant or coal distribution facility as part of the Oakland Global project. This is simply untrue…. [My company] is publicly on record as having no interest or involvement in the pursuit of coal-related operations at the former Oakland Army Base.” - Phil Tagami, December 2013

NCIO Literature to Download

Tri-fold Informational Brochure

West Gateway Map (Site of Proposed Coal Terminal)